• Our search tool is so convenient that all you’ve got to do is, put in your criteria and BOOM! The search results are at your palm.
  • Geographical barrier hindering your buying experience? We’ve got it covered by featuring Live Inventory 24x7. Enjoy a seamless and hassle-free buying experience.
  • Inspired by Human DNA, this feature will enable you to get all the possible details of the diamond you would need before you strike a purchase.
  • Get a quick review on your purchase history, view requests; diamond detail and summary.
  • Don’t be bothered by estimations and approximations, get the exact value of the diamond you’ve selected.
  • Like any of our stone but want a little more time to decide? That’s not a problem, we’ve got you covered with the Hold & Memo option which is available at your fingertips. Hold the stone and block it for a while so that you do not miss out on the diamond. Request for a Memo if you aren’t sure and want to view and discuss with your acquaintances.


Excellent Diamonds Ltd. is diamond industry’s leading diamond sellers/dealers with live inventory of 6000+ stones and hundreds of new stones adding up daily with exquisite offers for all our customers.