Excellent Diamonds follows a very straight forward fixed price policy .

We do however allow you to "Make Offer " on every 1+ carat stone confirmed via the website. Through this, we maintain a fair pricing system; the best for our clients- ensuring that you receive the best deals on the most relevant goods. Please be reminded that the "make offer " is a system limited to one carat and larger stones only, and does not apply to pointers. Our pointers are offered at a fixed price policy.

Finally, please bear in mind that none of these policies comply with any offers that you make on our stones. For any special requests, please contact your sales representative directly.


If you need more time before making a purchase, you may request a memo. This way you can be assured that your selection is reserved for you momentarily while you contemplate your purchase. To memo out goods, simply fill out a consignment request form (available when you make a selection on the inventory page). You are allowed to consign goods for up to seven working days, and your sales associate will assist you with collection of goods upon approval.

Excellent Diamonds holds all rights to approve or reject consignment requests, and that is non-negotiable. Please be reminded that you may be required to pay a form of safety deposit or make a cash memo, which would be 100% refunded upon the timely and proper return of consigned goods. Should you want to extend your consignment period, you may take up all requests directly with your sales representative at Excellent Diamonds Ltd.


Our hold policy states that web clients are allowed to hold five stones at most, for up to four hours at a time. Should you need to hold stones for a longer duration, you may choose to renew your hold request. There is, however a limit: each stone can only be held for a maximum of 12 hours a day. Your consideration with releasing our stones as soon as you no longer need them is highly appreciated. To release (unhold) the held stock, just simply go to ‘hold list’ on your page, select goods that you are ready to unhold and click release. Should you have any other queries or requests regarding the number of stones or the hold duration, kindly get in touch with your sales representative at Excellent Diamonds directly.


When you choose to make an offer, you, by default have agreed to pay up the minimum amount (that is your offer) to Excellent- Diamonds Ltd. in exchange for our goods. If you change your mind or fail to pay up upon the approval of your offer, it may lead to legal repercussions (as you have accepted all disclaimers prior to making the offer). Furthermore, any individual or establishment not complying with these policies will be blacklisted from working with us online or even in person in the future. Your sales executive wants to make the sale, and wants you to get the best deal, so we assure you we will try to meet your offer; however, Excellent Diamonds Hong Kong Limited holds the right to approve or decline any offers proposed by web users. Making an offer is a function added to make trading with you more convenient and efficient, so we appreciate your cooperation in making reasonable and serious offers.

For any further information, please get in touch with your sales executive.


A sale is not negotiable once it has been confirmed online. Upon web confirmation, you will receive a sales invoice, which you are obligated to pay up. Once a stone has been sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged, and the price cannot be further changed as you agreed to all rapt, discounts and and final amount before clicking ‘confirm’. If you change your mind or for some reason fail to pay up upon the confirmed sale, it may have legal repercussions (as stated in our terms of use). Additionally, any individual or establishment not complying with these policies will be blacklisted from working with us online or even in person in the future. We will not accept any returns, discounts or buy backs unless you have been delivered something different from your order.